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Філологія / Мови / Література»Англійська мова та література»

Semantic operations of the modal verbs

Карточка работы:3673-2012ф
Тема: Semantic operations of the modal verbs
Предмет:Англійська мова та література
Дата выполнения:2012
Специальность (факультет):Філологія: мова та зарубіжна література: англійська, німецька, польська, російська
Тип:Курсова робота
ВУЗ:Київський Національний Лінгвістичний Університет (КНЛУ)
Содержание:INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER ONE. THE PROBLEM OF MODAL VERBS IN ENGLISH 6 1.1. The Notion of Modality 6 1.2. The System of Modal Verbs in English 7 1.3. Categorizations of Modal Meanings 10 Conclusions to Chapter One 13 CHAPTER TWO. SEMANTIC OPERATIONS OF THE MODAL VERBS 15 2.1. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb Can/Could 16 2.2. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb Will/Would 19 2.3. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb Have to 22 2.4. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb Should 24 2.5. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb May/Might 26 2.6. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb Must 28 2.7. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb Ought to 29 2.8. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verb Shall 31 2.9. Semantic Operations of the Modal Verbs Be to, Dare and Need 32 Conclusions to Chapter Two 33 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 34 RESUME 37 LITERATURE CITED 38 LIST OF REFERENCE MATERIALS 40 LIST OF ILLUSTRATION MATERIALS 40  
Вступление:The problem of modality and modal verbs in English has always been disputable and controversial question among foreign, as well as home scholars. The problem of modal verbs has been examined by many prominent Ukrainian linguists. Thus, E. Morokhovska and L.G. Verba studied the properties of English modal verbs in general, E.M. Gordon and I.B. Morozova thoroughly examined their semantic features, while N.M. Rayevska focused on the main functions of modal verbs. I.V. Korunets performed a comparative analysis of means of expressing modality in English and Ukrainian. The issue of the modal verbs and modality has also been raised by the outstanding Russian and foreign researchers including: M.A. Blokh, N.A. Kobrina, V.L. Kaushanskaya, H. Keifer, J. Bybee and S. Fleischman, F.R. Palmer and others. The scientific works of the above mentioned linguists served as the methodological basis of the present study. The topicality of the research is presupposed by the fact that the phenomenon of modality and modal verbs in particular remains one of the most debatable questions in contemporary linguistics. There is no unanimous viewpoint among the linguist as to what verbs should be included into the set of modal verbs as well as what meanings of each modal verb are the most common in English fiction. All these factors predetermine the topicality of the investigation. The object of the research is the modal verbs in the text of English fiction. The subject of the research is the semantic meanings of the modal verbs in Modern English. The aim of the course paper is to study semantic operations of the modal verbs in modern English fiction. The aim of the investigation brings forward the following tasks that should be carried out in the process of study: 1) to study the definitions and interpretations of the notion of modality; 2) to examine the system of modal verbs in English; 3) to examine categorizations of modal meanings; 4) to investigate the semantic operations of the modal verbs can/could, will/would, have to, should, may/might, must, ought (to), shall, be to, dare and need. Material: the novel “Breaking Dawn” written by the prominent English writer Stephenie Meyer has been used as a source for the analysis of modal verbs in Modern English. The sample of sentences containing modal verbs under study comprises 1796 units. Theoretical value of the course paper lies in the fact that the research of the semantic operations of modal verbs favours better understanding of the problem of modal verbs in English elucidating one of the most disputable issues concerning the phenomenon under study, namely, their semantic meaning. Practical value: The results of the research may be used in elaborating the lectures in theoretical grammar. The results may also be used in further studies of the problems connected with the semantic meanings of modal verbs in English, etc. The course paper consists of the introduction, two chapters, conclusion, the list of literature cited. The Introduction focuses on the methodological basis of the investigation, its topicality, aim and tasks, as well as theoretical and practical value of the course paper. Chapter One deals with the notion of modality, the system of modal verbs in English and the categorizations of modal meanings. Chapter Two is devoted to the study of semantic operations of modal verbs in Modern English. General Conclusions discuss the findings of the investigation.  
Объём работы:
Выводы:The findings of the research show that the modal verb under consideration is predominantly used in its two meanings: ability and possibility. In this meaning it has been attested in 359 examples which comprises 44,5 percent of the total occurrence of this modal in the novel. The verb could is use to refer to the past ability or capacity. The second frequent meaning of the modal can is that of possibility. It has been attested in 349 examples. Linguists distinguish three types of possibility expressed by can/could: possibility due to circumstances; possibility due to existing rules or laws and possibility of the idea (the so-called “theoretical” possibility). Other less frequently used meanings include: permission; request; improbability, incredulity, doubt; prohibition; reproach; purpose and surprise. It should be noted that the modal verb under consideration has not been found in the meaning “surprise” in the novel by S. Meyer “Breaking Dawn”. The findings of the research manifest that the modal verb will/would is predominantly used in the meaning willingness, intention, determination which has been attested in 184 cases. The meaning of a polite request or an offer occurs in 38 sentences. The meaning of a command has been found in 35 examples. Other less frequently used meanings include insistence, resistance; inevitability, or characteristic behaviour, or something naturally expected; characteristic behavior or quality; disapproval of something expected; prediction, certainty. The findings of the research manifest that the modal verb have to is generally used in the meaning obligation or necessity which has been attested in 185 cases. Used in the negative form, the modal verb have to expresses absence of necessity. Certainty or logical necessity has been attested in 16 cases. It is also found in the meaning of request. The findings of the research manifest that the modal verb should is mainly found in the meaning advisability, desirability which has been attested in 96 cases. The meaning of moral obligation or duty has been found in 34 cases. The meaning of supposition implying strong probability is less commonly used being found in 21 instances. The modal verb should may give the utterance emotional colouring such as surprise, irritation, pleasure, amazement, displeasure, indignation, etc, i.e. thus emphasizing the speaker’s personal attitude towards the facts he/she utters. According to the results of the investigation, the modal verb may/might is mainly found in the meaning “possibility due to circumstances” which has been found in 89 cases. The meaning of request has been found in 25 instances. The modal verb may in this meaning usually occurs in interrogative sentences. The next place is occupied by the meaning “supposition implying uncertainty” according to the frequency of usage. The meaning of reproach/criticism has been attested in 10 cases. It should be noted that the modal verb under study has not been found in the meaning of prohibition. According to the results of the investigation, the modal verb must is frequently found in two meanings. The modal verb must followed by a non-perfect infinitive commonly expresses immediate obligation or necessity or an obligation referring to the future (62 occurrences). The meaning of supposition implying strong probability has been found in 40 instances. The modal must is also characterized by the meaning “emphatic advice” which has been found in 8 instances. The meaning of prohibition occurs only in one example. Should and ought (to) are parallel in meaning, however, the usage of should is more common, thus, the modal verb ought has been found in 8 cases compared with 151 occurrences of the modal should. The modal verb ought is mainly used in the meaning of advisability, desirability. The less frequent meanings include moral duty, obligation and supposition implying strong probability. In modern English the modal shall is characterized by the following meanings: promise or strong intention; suggestion, offering one’s own service; threat or warning. The latter meaning has not been found in the novel under study. The modal verb shall is used in two meanings equally (3 cases each): promise or strong intention and suggestion, offering one’s own service. The results of the investigation show that the modal verbs be to, dare and need are characterized by the low degree of occurrence. However, the modal verb be to is used in several meanings including: an obligation; a purpose, a plan; strict prohibition, possibility; something that is destined to happen; a strict order or instruction, it has been used only in the latter two meanings occurring in three cases. The modal verb dare is characterized by two meanings, namely: to venture, to have the courage or impudence; to challenge, to defy. In the novel under consideration this modal has been used twice in the former meaning. The modal verb need has only one form and combines only with the bare infinitive. It is used in the interrogative and negative sentences. Need denotes necessity.  
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